Death: the podcast

Hosted ByDr Arian Elfant

New Orleans has a unique relationship to death: we have a ridiculously high murder rate, we party at funerals, and we end up above ground. Death: the podcast tells the stories of personal experiences of death - fear of it, laughing at it, life-changing brushes with it, dealing with lost loved ones, and our own inevitable and unknown heart-stopping moment. Through confronting death we learn what it is to be alive.

It’s Never Too Late – Death: the podcast – It’s New Orleans

When Holly Pruett’s father died fifteen years ago, she found a unique way to honor his physical and spiritual presence.

Now, as a Certified Life Celebrant, Holly helps others craft personalized rituals to witness, celebrate, and mourn their loved ones and life events, sometimes even years after the fact.

In our busy, hurried lives, it is important to slow down, take stock, and practice grief. Join Arian and Holly as they discuss the power of ceremony and remembrance.